Township of Upper Pittsgrove

Public Works Department
The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of
township streets and roads
street marking and traffic signs
right of way mowing, snow removal
township facilities, property, and recreation areas
You also may see our Public Works personnel around the Borough of Elmer. They provide public works services there through a shared services agreement.
Road Maintenance/Damage/Safety Issues Contact:
Road maintenance and safety issues, including dead deer,
tall grass, potholes, debris, sign damage, etc. can be
reported to the Public Works Department, however it is
only responsible for township road issues. Please contact
the entity responsible for the road for any safety and
maintenance issues - click here for road list:
Township Roads:
Township Public Works - 856-358-0466
Roads - County Public Works: 856-769-0453
Road Re-Surfacing Project - as of 4/30/2024
Gas Lines - County Engineer Dept: 856-935-7510 ext. 8549
State Highways: contact 856-358-8813 and/or report on the following web site:
New Jersey Department of Transportation -
Pothole/Highway Maintenance Reporting
Chipping Services - April and October
The department provides twice yearly chipping services for township residents, and chipping as needed following major storms. Chipping services are available during the months of April and October. Call the Public Works Dept. (358-0466) and leave a message with your name and address and they will put you on the list for when they are in your area. This service is for normal seasonal trimming of trees and shrubs with a branch diameter of 3 inches or less. The acceptable load size is at the discretion of the Public Works Superintendent. Place brush on the edge of the road with cut ends facing the road. Township staff and vehicles are not permitted on private property to chip brush.
Public Works Department
550 Daretown Road
Elmer, NJ 08318
Brian Coles, Superintendent
Bill Coles, Foreman
David Cassaday, General Laborer
Did you know...
there are
41.4 miles of township roads
45.4 miles county roads
17.8 miles of state roads
for a total of 104.6 miles of roads
in Upper Pittsgrove Township?